How Can I Flatten My Stomach?

During my research on this subject I have found that most of the solutions available to achieve a flat stomach pretty much talk about the same techniques. The biggest difference is how they are presented.

For example, it is well known that in order to flatten your stomach which in turn, reduces your belly fat, you will need to exercise. This is so your stomach muscles will be tight and defined (aka six-pack abs). However, exercise is simply not enough. The first steps in reducing belly fat involve learning how to eat right and in the right amounts, and then supplementing your new eating habits with stomach toning exercises in order to achieve that elusive flat stomach. Studies have shown that diet alone can help in reducing stomach fat, but if you want true "six-pack" abs, you must tone up your stomach!

Looks are important, I agree. But, let me take you to another area about belly fat. What you may not know is how dangerous it can be to carry around that extra weight, especially around your belly. "Fat around the midsection is a strong risk factor for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even some types of cancers", says Samuel Klein, MD, the director of the Center for Human Nutrition at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri.

Obviously, reducing belly fat by doing stomach toning exercises (sit ups, side bends, or crunches) combined with a proper diet will go a long way toward reducing your risk of these terrible diseases. If you want to flatten your stomach only for the sake of appearance, a proper diet would be a good start. Success will come from being patient and having loads of perseverance! For the sake of your health first and your appearance second, do not give up on reducing belly fat and continue with your stomach toning exercises, and of course, a good and sensible diet!

I hope that after reading this you will take a serious look at yourself both inwardly and outwardly and finally decide to take continuous action. I know how difficult it can be to figure out how to beat this problem with belly fat and the stigma of not only being overweight but also looking overweight. For me, losing weight has been a lifelong battle. But, I was lucky enough to get the right information early enough so I would not have to spend my entire life struggling with being overweight.

Tom writes many articles intended to motivate people into taking action and getting started on their weight loss program. Having spent most of his life overweight, Tom is now in much better shape after learning the correct way to lose weight, without diet pills and without fad diets. You can read more at Tom's blog [http://lose-weight-to-live-better.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Marchido

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